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Three Things I Love about Being a Pediatric SLP

  1. Making a Difference

There is nothing better than seeing a client accomplish a goal. I get to see a child’s face light up when they answer a question correctly or master a difficult sound. I get to hear updates from parents about their child’s use of a skill outside of the speech room and the resulting confidence boost. Watching a client work hard and reach a milestone gives me such a rewarding feeling!

  1. Seeing a Diverse Caseload


Each day, I get to see a wide variety of clients with all different needs. No two clients are the same and therefore, no two treatment plans are the same! I get to think critically and tailor every activity to my client’s interests and needs. Each and every day offers different experiences!

  1. Combining Work and Play

I love the challenge of combining my medical knowledge and evidenced-based ideas with toys and games. Making learning pleasurable is my goal in every session and I love knowing that my clients enjoyed their fun-filled therapy session while also targeting a difficult speech and language skill.


Hatch, A.  (2021, January).  Three Things I Love about Being a Pediatric SLP.  Zebra Speech.
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