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Games: The ultimate reinforcement for articulation drill-tasks

Imagine your parents tell you that you have to go to this place a couple times of week and when you get there you have to say sounds and words over and over and over again! Sounds fun, right? Probably not. Because articulation therapy requires abundant repetition of target sounds and words to develop accuracy, breaks are necessary and important, especially in the early stages of learning a new sound. Drill-practice is tiring and can be boring and/or frustrating. So how do we get all of those trials in? Games, that’s how. Motivation is an essential element to productive articulation therapy. Incorporating breaks unrelated to the targets helps to keep motivation high. The child can pick out the game prior to beginning the drill practice and either alternate turns with trials or earn timed breaks to play the game without having to focus on their speech. While ample opportunities are needed to make progress, good practice is more important. Therefore, giving breaks without demands is critical to prevent burnout and frustration that would have a negative impact on their overall participation and progress. It also keeps them interested in coming to speech! Who doesn’t love to play new and old games?!


Gannon, A.  (2021, September).  Games: The ultimate reinforcement for articulation drill-tasks.  Zebra Speech.
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Speech-language pathologist (SLP)

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